You can easily change your WordPress Title and Meta Description with the Yoast SEO plugin.
Yoast has become the best SEO solution for improving SEO and rankings on every search engine results page on google and within the WordPress community. Yoast SEO is full of features that are regularly updated and have been downloaded more than 5 million+ times. Yoast Seo is a really a very helpful plugin for Website Seo.
Now I'll show how you can easily change the Meta Title and Description of your Website.
Step 1) Log in to your WordPress site.
Step 2) Navigate to the 'Yoast SEO' Plugin
If you don’t have Yoast installed go to “Plugins” > “Add New” > “Yoast SEO”
Step 3) IF your plugin is already Installed then Select the desire Home Page and click edit (1).
If you would like to start a new Post or Page click “Add New” in Page or Post section (2)
Step 4) Scroll down the page until you find the section called “Yoast SEO” then you'll find a section named 'Google Preview'. Select Mobile or desktop preview.
Step 5) Click “Edit Snippet”
Step 6) Change all the information under the heading “SEO title” and “Meta description”
Moreover, If you want to add extra information that is automatically generated, you can click on “Insert Snippet Variable”. Then this will insert a short code snippet which will be automatically filled in. As shown n the “SEO Title” section, ‘Title’, ‘Page’, ‘Separator’ & ‘Site Title’ are all snippets which are generated by Yoast SEO. When you have finished editing, click “Close Snippet Editor"
Congratulations! you have done just edited the Meta Title & Description using Yoast SEO in WordPress. Now feel free to publish your Post or Page.